Senior Year. Cancelled.

I blame the quarantine for my senior year ending, graduation getting cancelled, and an unknowingness of what’s to come next. I blame the quarantine for the anxieties, the paranoia, and panic surrounding everyday life as we take on the world one day at a time. I blame the media for causing an uproar throughout the world though I believe my governor is holding the state down and safe to the best of her abilities. I do not understand why I cannot find toilet paper, paper towels, and common household items as I have been following CDC guidelines my entire life.

“Am I the only one not in a panic?” I question myself quite often because I feel nothing. I feel the anxieties of others but not my own.

I worry for the health of my mother the most. I worry for the healthcare workers who risk their lives everyday because that’s what they “signed up” for. I worry for all the essential workers who put themselves on the line so I can get my groceries, my prescriptions, and order take out on the days I’m too tired from “quarantining” to cook.

I think about exercising often; I think about what it will be like to teach my first spin class when we all return to our new normal. I think about returning to my waitressing job; will people actually respect food service workers as a part of our new normal? How will people respect one another during our new normal? Will we say “excuse me” as we pass by one another in the grocery store? Will children return to the worries of children instead of adults? I blame the quarantine for the change we never knew we needed.

–Jenna Cipriano, Rhode Island College Student

Valley Girl of the Dead

I totally blame this quarantine for messing up my life. I mean seriously, all the healthy people crammed into one place while the hordes of sick people are outside shielded by just a wall of concrete? Yeah, if only I could roll my eyes at the genius at the guy who came up with that idea. Such a great idea, except they forgot about the people who got bitten already.

Now all my friends are totally zombies. I guess it’s a good thing my daddy is in the military, because not only did I have a super cute rifle that I decorated myself, but the military guys took me in, and some of the guys are totally hot.

I just like, don’t get why they got so mad I flaked on training to give some of my fellow cadet girls makeovers. Like, it’s not my fault the clothes they give us are hideous! What was I supposed to do? Not cut up my uniform to actually look cute? As if!

That Colonel Whatever is totally unhinged if he thinks I’m gonna quit finding stuff to accessorize my boring bed with. Who wouldn’t use their boot laces and bullets to make some decorations? It’s like my fairy lights at home, except without the light up part.

I think the worst thing has got to be the signal here! I get some of the cell towers or whatever might be down, but like, I can’t even access Insta! How will everyone know I’m totally kicking butt while looking cute in the army now? Plus it’s totally lame I can’t text the couple of friends that didn’t get slobbered on by those wanna-be zombies.

Oh, and if anyone asks, I totally don’t have my phone. If Colonel Whats-His-Face found out he’d blow up majorly.

Ugh, I’m so over this whole zombie outbreak.

–Caroline Connole Sutherland, Rhode Island College Writing 100, Professor Hardmon’s Class