Window #1

Every morning my dog, Max,  and I take a walk in the woods behind my house.  We walk behind the backyard of a home  where there is a 15 year old Lab. Sometimes when we walk by, the Lab, Lilly is in the yard.  When she is, Max and I stop and say hello and give Lily a few treats.  At Christmas, Max and Lily exchange presents.  We have been doing this for years.  I seldom see her owners.
Lily’s mother is a school teacher and is out of work due to the virus.  The other day she saw me and came out to talk, asking me how I was doing.  I had been to Stop & Shop early that morning and gotten everything I needed for myself, but they were out of carrots for my friends’ horses and chicken for Max, which I told her.
That afternoon, she came to my house with a 5 pound bag of carrots and some really expensive Purdue chicken for Max, saying it was the only chicken available.  She also brought a box of four S&S muffins for me!  She did not want any payment, doing this out of the kindness of her heart and as a caring neighbor.

–Velma Clinton, “I’m 85.